Visit to the National Design Centre

By pure coincidence I stumbled upon this building and brought home some brochures with the intention of going back again to check out what the place has to offer. So here’s a look at what I saw/what captured my attention in the small exhibition entitled “50 years of Singapore design”.

Kids playing corner where you can form things out of simple shapes. Shapes are held together by magnets. Now that I look at it, my creation looks like a platypus.



Really like the spotted nonya series design! So colourful and whimsical but yet still so traditional








I liked the design of the fauna catalogue – one large, clear picture at the top, and the name and description below it and on the bottom left hand side respectively. It could also be because the font used reminds me so much of typewriter font. One day, I hope I can own a typewriter that gives me this nice typewriting font that I love.
Apparently this video was very popular but somehow I have not seen it until today. And the idea behind the advertisement is ingenious! Go search for the video on YouTube is you have not watched it! I highly recommend it because it made me laugh out loud while watching it during the exhibition.



The iconic Singapore Girl uniform of the SIA. Turns out that everyone gets them tailor made. While it is somewhat hyped up it doesn’t lessen the thought process when into the design. As for me, I’ve always like the uniform.


This is one beautiful dress, the lovely folds of the dress giving the impression of floating and dancing and reminding me of fairies in general. And the golden orchid brooch in the middle just uplifts it into another level of elegance and grace. I wish I can wear something like that and float/dance but unfortunately I don’t own a dress like that nor do I know how to dance.


imageAnd that is all for the sneak peak of the exhibition. I quite like the exhibition and I think I might have gotten quite inspired by the exhibition because I can feel creativity wanting to burst out of myself after two months of downtime. Hopefully this means that I can craft freely now and flow with inspiration! Though it doesn’t mean that I might make things that I like or consider good, it still feels much better to be in the “I want to create” mode than “I should create something but I don’t feel like doing anything” mode. Or what I would refer to as the bah mode.

Kicking myself mentally again at the lack of design cells in my body while going through the exhibition. I imagine that is probably something I would love to indulge myself in, if only I know how to do it. But I shall content myself with making the small little things that make me happy but don’t mean anything to other people. For now at least, my crafting is something that I want to do to bring joy for myself. Because it’s the best form of achievement and satisfaction when you are happy with what you do.